바티칸시티 박물관 안의 “몸살 앓는 지구”를 표현한 조형작품
다이빙 단축용어
AAUS(American Academy of Underwater Science)
ABT(Actual Bottom Time)
ANDL(Adjusted No Decompression Limits)
ATA(Atmospheric absolute pressure)
ATM(Atmospheric Pressure)
BCD(Buoyancy Control/Compensate Device)
BLS(Basic Life Support)
BWRAF(Begin With Review And Friend/Being Wary Reduces All Failures)
CCR(Closed Circuit Re breathers)
CDTC(Course Director Training Course)
CFC(Care for Children)
CNS(Central Nervous System)
CPR(Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation)
DAN(Divers Alert Network)
DCI(Decompression Illness)
DCS(Decompression Sickness)
DES(Diving Emergency Service)
DIN(Deutches Industrie Norm)
DSAT(Diving Science and Technology)
EAD(Equivalent Air Depth)
EANx(Enriched Air Nitrox)
EDU(Experimental Diving Unit)
EFR(Emergency First Response)
EMS(Emergency Medical Service)
END(Equivalent Narcotic Depth)
ERD(The Encyclopedia of Recreational Diving)
eRDPML(Electronic Recreational Dive Planner Multi Level)
GPS(Global Positioning System)
HPNS(High Pressure Nervous Syndrome)
IAPM(Institute of Applied Physiology and Medicine)
IDC(Instructor Development Course)
IE(Instructor Examination)
IOC(Instructor Orientation Course)
ILCOR(International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation)
KISS(Keep It Super Simple)
MFA(Medic First Aid)
M value(Maximum allowable)
ML(Multi Level)
MLG(Module Lesson Guide)
MOD(Maximum Operating Depth)
MTRV(Manually Triggered Resuscitator Valve)
NDL(No Decompression Limits)
NOAA(US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration)
NO TOX(Note your name, Observe the actual depth, Turn on the valve, Orient the second stage, eXamine your team mates)
OTUs(Oxygen Toxicity/Tolerance Units)
PADI(Professional Association of Diving Instructors)
PG(Pressure Group)
PLG(Prescriptive Lesson Guide)
RDP(Recreational Dive Planner)
RNT(Residual Nitrogen Time)
RGBM(Reduced Gradient Bubble Model)
SAC(Surface Air Consumption)
SAFE(Slowly Ascend From Every dive)
SASA(Supplied Air Snorkeling for Adult)
SASY(Supplied Air Snorkeling for Youth)
SCR(Semi closed Circuit Re breathers)
SCUBA(Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus)
SI(Surface Interval)
SM(Scuba Mall)
SMB(Surface Maker Buoy)
SORTD(Signal, Orient yourself, Regulator in mouth, Time check, Deflate and equalize)
SPG(Submersible Pressure Gauge)
TBT(Total Bottom Time)